Healing Music By Boris Mourashkin
We review the following Healing Music by Boris Mourashkin:
About the Composer
Boris Mourashkin was born February 27, 1949 in Kemerovo, Siberia, Russia. During his studies at the Novosibirsk Conservatory, he made several journeys to the remote regions of Siberia to study and record the healing rituals of a shaman of the Kety tribe.
Inspired by this and other expeditions to the Polar Region, he wrote many original musical compositions.
He is the Inventor of the Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music.
In addition, he is the Pioneer, Founder of Healing Power of Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music, and today one of the world's foremost proponents and composer of Alternative Music Therapy.
He was nominated for:
- a ONE THOUSAND GREAT AMERICANS and ‘Golden Medal’ Award 2003, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge CB2 3QP England
- The Marquis in Who’s Who in America
- Who’s Who in the World, 2001-2007
- International Poet of Merit Award Medallion and the Diamond Homer Trophy’ ‘and Poet of the Year Medallion 1999-2000-2001
- Famous Poet for 2001 and The Prometheus Muse of Fire Trophy, USA.
- The International Society for Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM)
- The National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences, Inc.
- International Academy of Informatization (United Nations)
- Board of Directors and Advisory Board TCHERTKOFF Memorial & Cultural Foundation Inc., New York
- The Cinematographers Union of Russian Federation.
Honorary Member:
In 1998 Boris Mourashkin was elected as an academician - Fellow International Informatization Academy of the United Nations, awarded for the outstanding achievements in the field of Holistic Medicine Science of Alternative Music Therapy and of innovative implementation of his new methods of the Therapeutic Music:
© Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music (BEP Music);
© Acupuncture Sound Psychotherapy Technology (ASPTT) 1983;
© BioSound Micro Massage (BSMM), 1983;
© BioSound NeuroImmunology Reflective Therapy (BSNIRT) 1983
This highest and prestigious title "academician" in the world will be granted to members for life. This is a Unique Academy that enjoys the membership of the United Nations and is part of the Worlddidac with UNESCO.
Since 1995 the IIA has the General Consultative Status (Category 1) with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations.
Boris Mourashkin experienced chronic pain as a result of a serious car accident in 1983 in Siberia, and soon discovered the noticeable effect certain sounds had in relieving his pain.
He writes music in various styles: choir music, compositions for piano and string orchestras, incidental music and musical scores for films and plays.
He teaches Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music applications, BEP Music Therapy and Sound to lay people and healthcare professionals in the United States and Europe. He was educated at the Novosibirsk Musical College from 1969 to 1972, where he studied choral conducting and music theory and composition with the composer Professor Gregory Gobernik.
From 1972 to 1976 he studied at the Novosibirsk Conservatory with composer Professor Askold Murov.
Boris Mourashkin attended the Folklore Expedition to Evenkysky National Polar Region to record Folklore Songs and Lamentations and was allowed to observe one of the last Siberian Shaman in healing rituals…
He traveled extensively – having been in the Arctic Circle at least nine times – and has performed across the USA.
Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music (2-CD set)

Kind of music
Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music™ is no relaxation music, nor is it classical music. It is no rock music either. Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music™ is scientifically based on the principle of "sound psycho-neuroimmunology reflextherapy".
Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music™ combines rhythms, tones, frequencies and vibrations to produce a uniquely powerful kind of "music". Boris Mourashkin combines all sounds of nature, such as rolling oceans, winds, rainfall and animals. One can hear the echoes of children playing and laughing, and many ancient ethnic instruments as well as others (synthesizers).
How does the technology work?
Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music stimulates the body's natural healing rhythm and relaxes the mind so it may assist with the healing of the body.
It's most often described as "acupuncture with sound" and is especially designed for the specific purpose of affecting the physical body, emotions and the mind in a most unique way.
Boris Mourashkin utilizes the widest range of frequencies possible to positively stimulate the body, mind and spirit.
This particularly unique form of music is not always "pleasing to the ear". "It was not designed for listening pleasure, it was created for HEALING", as Boris Mourashkin states.
This specially formulated music can extract from you feelings that need to be extracted. If you are angry with someone, you may feel angry somewhere during the music. When you turn the music off, the anger will dissipate.
If you are in love, you may feel strong feelings of love while thinking about that special person. If you are anxious, the music by Boris Mourashkin can bring that anxiety out. This music helps you face your feelings.
Your body will take in what you need. If you are tired, you will be energized. At the same time, you will sleep like a baby that night. The music is like a tuning fork. It "tunes you up" physically, emotionally and spiritually.
The music by Boris Mourashkin goes to the source of your malfunctioning and your distress and has a positive effect upon the central nervous system.
It actually happens that this music heightens the pain before releasing it. In energy work this is common, so don't feel alarmed it the first response is one of more aching and heightened awareness of the body.
Try not to analyze the music; don't compare it to classical music in terms of its aesthetic "enjoyment". Its sound is unique, and recognizes no habitual limitations of time, place, category, style or structure.
Research has shown the therapeutic effects of that Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music:
- Bio-Energetic: the energy of sound oscillation results in the arousal of brain structures, controlling the production of energy. A system of exercises based on the concept that natural healing will be enhanced by bringing into harmony the patient's body rhythms and the natural environment.
- Psychotropic: effects the mental processes, cerebral cortex and sub-cortex structures of the brain, exerting an effect on the mind or modifying mental activity.
Interviews conducted with several hundred subjects who participated in BEP Music therapy sessions lead to the following preliminary conclusions:
In most cases, subjective reactions of the participants were quite positive.
Further analysis of the effects produced by BEP Music therapy on the participants indicate the following specific changes:
- Improved blood circulation
- Relief of pain in joints, muscles, ligaments, etc.
- Anti-inflammatory action
- Normalization of blood pressure
- Soothing effect on the nervous and psychic system
In some cancer patients, Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music therapy helped to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy treatments.
In patients suffering from paralysis of lower extremities, BEP Music therapy showed significant improvement in nerve conductivity.
Also, BEP Music therapy has beneficial effects in reducing pain, fear and general stress during odontological procedures (see attachment for further information).
How much does the CD cost?
Currently out of stock... We even heard the CD's will not be re-released!
If you can get some of these CDs - just keep them in a very safe place as they are worth a goldmine.
Headphones required?
No. You can listen to the music either using ear- or headphones or speakers in a relaxed pose with your eyes open or closed.
However, Boris Mourashkin recommends using high-quality equipment, preferably with surround sound.
Can you listen while you're doing other things?
Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music
by Boris Mourashkin can be listened to at any time. The music is universal and you can listen to it at home or at work. Boris Mourashkin suggests listening in the morning. Clear your mind and relax.
Listen to the music by Boris Mourashkin for at least 15-20 minutes twice a day, if possible. If you have a busy schedule, you may listen to some of the more soothing tracks at bedtime. If you fall asleep, don't worry. Your body and all it's organs "hear" the sounds and vibrations.
Try to exercise some willpower and patience long enough to listen to the musical piece in its entirely.
You can begin at any point in the recording as long as you listen for at least 15-20 minutes or longer and familiarize yourself with the music by listening to it from beginning to end.
However, we do not recommend listening to this music in your car immediately, as some people get too relaxed from it and get drowsy at the wheel. Other people get very energized and focused.
There are many testimonials from therapists, medical doctors, other professionals and listeners.
To name a few:
- Jeff Volk, Producer, Lumina Productions, Newmarket, NH, producer of an award-winning series of videos, Of Sound Mind and Body: Music and Vibrational Healing.
- Vladimir Konovalov, Doctor in Psychophysiology, Director of Medical Sciences,
Head of the Laboratory of Mechanisms of Irradiation Effect on the Central Nervous System at the Institute of Biology and Physics, Academy of Science, Russia:
"Mourashkin's Bio-Energetic Psychotropc Music is perceived not only aurally, but through all our senses, since it affects the key lock of the body, the so-called meridians. It touches every cell of the organism. It affects every level of our activity - the molecular and systemic - the being as a whole. The music reminds us of a violent sea in which the person is a tiny particle, like a grain of sand that is subject both to the refining and eroding impact of the water's flow, internally and externally. We can already speak of the music's power to reach into the hidden realms of our immune system, the realms of homeostatis and the body's adaptive mechanism..."
- Dr. Albert Wahrhaftig, professor of anthropology at Sonoma State University, CA
- Beth Rieger, C.S.W. recreation therapist of the Saint Christopher-Ottilie Center of Sea Cliff, NY
- Jacob Trager, D.D.S of the Institute for Dental Wellness, St. Petersburg, FL
- Barbara J. Crowe, RMT-BC, Professor of Music, Director of Music Therapy, Arizona State University. Past President, National Association for Music Therapy: "I have known Mr. Mourashkin and his work in sound healing for three years.
He is an internationally recognized composer, musician, and specialist in the healing and curative power of BEP Music. His talents in this area are unique combining his classical music education with training in traditional healing practices of Siberia.
Mr. Mourashkin has a great deal to offer the developing professional discipline of sound healing in this country... There is a great need for research and applied study in this area. Mr. Mourashkin would provide valuable, unique expertise to such work. I would welcome the opportunity to work with him doing research and investigation into practical application of his Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music.
This would be of great benefit to our country in assisting us in taking World Leadership in the investigation of sound healing methods and the expansion of Music Therapy applications."
- Dr. Phyllis-Terri Gold, Ph. D., NCC, Past Vice-President of the Autism Society of America (NSAC) and Founding President of the New York (LI Chapters). Nationally Board Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor and Psychologist, Former Prof. at Hofstra and C.W. Post College. Mother of boy with autism:"I am presently a member of the newly formed Coalition of Complementary Doctors of the division of Family Medicine at SUNY, Stony Brook. Additionally, I was a founding officer of the Autism Society of America. During my professional career I have worked with many therapists.
I became acquainted with Mr. Mourashkin and the full scope of his work, approximately three years ago, and continue to become increasingly impressed with it, and with him.
Mr. Mourashkin is without doubt extremely and uniquely gifted. In fact, I know no other individual like him. The nature and profound ability of his healing help for humanity serves many.
Autistic individuals, people suffering from cancer and other degenerative diseases, those with other physical and mental problems, have greatly benefited from his healing hands, Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music compositions and great love for humanity."
- Dr. John Beaulieu, PhD, Director BioSonic Enterprises, Ltd. NY:"I supervised the music therapy department at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital and served as a Professor at City University of New York and Farliegh Dickinson University. I have dedicated the past fifteen years to developing and running my own business BioSonic Enterprises, Ltd.
Recently I have accepted an adjunct position the New School for Social Research for the purpose of exposing more people to new advances in Sound Healing.
I find Boris Mourashkin work as a composer and sound healer to be exceptional.
I believe it would be a great honor to America to accept of Boris’s Mourashkin’s talents and abilities. During World II many great European composers came to America.
I believe their music and ideas have changed our culture for the better.
We now have a chance to accept into our country another composer who I believe can make a real difference for many Americans.
Mr. Mourashkin is an excellent presenter and all appreciates his BEP Music.
He is an accomplished professional who in my opinion would make a unique contribution to American society…"
- Dr. Marcia Jenneth Epstein, Ph.D.. Faculty of General Studies, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada: "The connection of music with health and healing is not a recent development. Music is and has been used everywhere to heal, to soothe, and to comfort, to raise submerged emotions, to promote feelings of unity, and to provide communication with the human, natural and spiritual worlds.
There may be music that strikes lightening, vibrating down the bones and percolating the blood, making the cells line up in astonishing circuits and freeing the mind to encounter the world on terms entirely different from anything experienced or imagined before. This is the kind of Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music that Boris Mourashkin creates. Its sound is unique, and recognizes no habitual limitations of time, place, category, style or structure.
And now, when students ask me for recordings to ease their nerves or their heartaches, when a nurse phones from a distant hospital to say that a child in critical care is in need of comfort, when a client has tried everything, I think of Boris Mourashkin's Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music and pass on the news that something extraordinary is out there and waiting to be discovered."
- Saroj Madan, M.S., Enhanced Auditory Retraining Service, Lowell, MA
- Dr. Steven Angel, BA, DC, Director of the Angel Chiropractic Health Center, Lynbrook, NY:"I had the wonderful pleasure of meeting a composer and Bio-Sensory Sound Therapist Boris Mourashkin, who I say changed my life...
I have not met an individual who is more dedicated to the alleviation of suffering that Mr. B. Mourashkin. His contribution to the World is, and will be enormous! It is my professional opinion that Mr. Mourashkin is a creative genius that will be a great benefit for our country!
Many instances in my own clinic took place where I had patients with extreme pain, what is known as tri-facial neuralgia. It is pain coming down the side of the face in three different nerve tracts. My patient listened to Mr. Mourashkin’s Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music for only 15-20 minutes while she was in extreme pain. She finished listening to the music and as she started to get up, she said she had no pain. We examined her and took a look at her the next day; the pain never returned… The BEP Music had taken care of the problem…
The Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music has the ability to help and heal many individuals with disease and ailments. I believe the healing of disease is mostly taking place in the body, and the body will heal itself, particularly when the subconscious mind is cleared.
One of the mechanisms is that the Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music works on the actual vibrations to help remove certain blockages in the emotional as well as mental body, and works particularly on the subconscious, so we may move the vibration imbalances and allow the body to heal itself in a natural way…"
- Helen Thomas-Williams, Director, Public Information and Volunteer Services, Manhattan Psychiatric Center
- Ron B. Minson, M.D., Director, The Center for Inner Change Providing Health and Learning Therapies, Denver, CO
- Dr. Peter Munda, New York Times: "I think he’s (Boris Mourashkin) ahead of his time. I think he’s a genius, a phenomenal musician. He’s the link between science and music. He’s going to be the pioneer in this field connecting music to healing"
- Linda D’Urso:"I have known Boris Mourashkin personally for five years. My experience using his incredible "Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music" as a healing tool has been nothing short of remarkable.
I suffered from Heart and Lime Diseases, and Epstein Barr, when I was introduced to him. Within two months of listening to this music (morning and at bedtime), all of my test results came back normal!
The Psychological breakthroughs you experience after listening to Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music (BEP Music) a few times seems to make your whole consciousness change. You become a different person; a better person and you go onto another level- higher level. You begin to enjoy life more.
Everything is sharper, clearer; you are more sensitive to sound, to people and to feelings. Emotionally you become more sensitive. You become more observant. The difficult times you experienced in life are remembered again through the BEP Music and brought forward and out. When that happens you may still have memories of those pains and traumas, but the pain is no longer associated with those traumas.
I find my life is more worth living now than it was before I met Boris Mourashkin and listened to his BEP Music. There is a tremendous change in me! It is a very valuable change! Unbelievable!!!"
- BEP Music Therapy on the participants indicate the following specific changes: improved blood circulation; relief of pain in joints, muscles, ligaments, etc.; normalization of blood pressure; soothing effect on the nervous and psychic system.
Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music Therapy has helped some clients to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy treatments. In patients suffering from paralysis of lower extremities, BEP Music Therapy showed significant improvement in nerve conductivity.
Boris Mourashkin has been working with autistic and mentally disabled children by desensitizing their ears with this special music, multiply handicapped and emotionally disturbed children, much success improves hearing perception, normalized reactions to environmental and vocal sounds.
The children and adults with hearing disorders and learning problems suffer from depression, decreased mental alertness, balance, and coordination and motor function.
- ...
Cosmic Technologies' comments and experience
Listening to this music by Boris Mourashkin is an incredible experience to say the least.
At first we thought "what weird kind of music(??) is this?!". It's unbelievable that something like this might be able to "heal"...
"Are we really going to listen to this kind of stuff?"
Boris Mourashkin's musical compositions are like a tornado, whirling up emotions, memories, anger and fears.
Also, there are a lot of frightening tracks on the CD and we really had to exercise some willpower to keep listening to the music. But as we continued to listen day by day, our fears went away.
We found the "music" quite pleasing, uplifting and even funny!
No doubt that this music by Boris Mourashkin is doing something. It's a most emotional and powerful experience for sure. An experience we have not had with any other kind of healing music (except for Sound Body, Sound Mind froim Andrew Weil and Marcey Hamm's healing music recordings).
After a while this music promotes trust and faith in your own potential. It brings energy, so we don't recommend listening in the evening as we are not sure you will be able to sleep well.
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Points of Light

Kind of music
Points of Light is Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music™ and is no relaxation music, nor is it classical music. Neither is it rock music. Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music™ is scientifically based on the principle of "sound psycho-neuroimmunology reflextherapy".
Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music™ combines rhythms, tones, frequencies and vibrations to produce a uniquely powerful kind of "music". Boris Mourashkin combines all sounds of nature, such as rolling oceans, winds, rainfall and animals. One can hear the echoes of children playing and laughing, and many ancient ethnic instruments as well as others.
Try not to analyze Points of Light, don't compare it to classical music in terms of its aesthetic "enjoyment". Its sound is unique, and recognizes no habitual limitations of time, place, category, style or structure.
How does the technology work?
The Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music that Points of Light is, stimulates the body's natural healing rhythm and relaxes the mind so it may assist with the healing of the body.
It's most often described as "acupuncture with sound" and is especially designed for the specific purpose of affecting the physical body, emotions and the mind in a most unique way.
Boris Mourashkin utilizes the widest range of frequencies possible to positively stimulate the body, mind and spirit.
This particularly unique form of music is not always "pleasing to the ear". "It was not designed for listening pleasure, it was created for HEALING", as Boris Mourashkin states.
This specially formulated music can extract from you feelings that need to be extracted. If you are angry with someone, you may feel angry somewhere during the music. When you turn the music off, the anger will dissipate.
If you are in love, you may feel strong feelings of love while thinking about that special person. If you are anxious, the music by Boris Mourashkin can bring that anxiety out. This music helps you face your feelings.
Your body will take in what you need. If you are tired, you will be energized. At the same time, you will sleep like a baby that night. The music is like a tuning fork. It "tunes you up" physically, emotionally and spiritually.
The music by Boris Mourashkin goes to the source of your malfunctioning and your distress and has a positive effect upon the central nervous system.
It actually happens that this music heightens the pain before releasing it. In energy work this is common, so don't feel alarmed it the first response is one of more aching and heightened awareness of the body.
Try not to analyze the music; don't compare it to classical music in terms of its aesthetic "enjoyment". Its sound is unique, and recognizes no habitual limitations of time, place, category, style or structure.
Research has shown the therapeutic effects of that Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music:
- Bio-Energetic: the energy of sound oscillation results in the arousal of brain structures, controlling the production of energy. A system of exercises based on the concept that natural healing will be enhanced by bringing into harmony the patient's body rhythms and the natural environment.
- Psychotropic: effects the mental processes, cerebral cortex and sub-cortex structures of the brain, exerting an effect on the mind or modifying mental activity.
Interviews conducted with several hundred subjects who participated in BEP Music therapy sessions lead to the following preliminary conclusions:
In most cases, subjective reactions of the participants were quite positive.
Further analysis of the effects produced by BEP Music therapy on the participants indicate the following specific changes:
- Improved blood circulation
- Relief of pain in joints, muscles, ligaments, etc.
- Anti-inflammatory action
- Normalization of blood pressure
- Soothing effect on the nervous and psychic system
In some cancer patients, Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music therapy helped to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy treatments.
In patients suffering from paralysis of lower extremities, BEP Music therapy showed significant improvement in nerve conductivity.
Also, BEP Music therapy has beneficial effects in reducing pain, fear and general stress during odontological procedures (see attachment for further information).
How much does the CD cost?
Currently, it's getting more and more difficult to find Points of Light.
If you would like to purchase this recording by Boris Mourashkin, we recommend that you occasionally check Amazon.com for a copy.
Headphones required?
No. You can listen to the music either using ear- or headphones or speakers in a relaxed pose with your eyes open or closed.
However, Boris Mourashkin recommends using high-quality equipment, preferably with surround sound and Dolby sound.
For maximum benefit, allow two hours before or after a meal before starting because digestion absorbs eighty percent of ones bio-energy.
Can you listen while you're doing other things?
Points of Light can be listened to at any time. The music is universal and you can listen to it at home or at work. Boris Mourashkin suggests listening in the morning. Clear your mind and relax.
Listen to the music for at least 20-30 minutes twice a day, if possible. If you have a busy schedule, you may listen to some of the more soothing tracks at bedtime. If you fall asleep, don't worry. Your body and all it's organs "hear" the sounds and vibrations.
Try to exercise some willpower and patience long enough to listen to the musical piece in its entirely.
You can begin at any point in the recording as long as you listen for at least 20-30 minutes or longer and familiarize yourself with the music by listening to it from beginning to end.
However, we do not recommend listening to this music in your car immediately, as some people get too relaxed from it and get drowsy at the wheel. Other people get very energized and focused.
There are many testimonials from therapists, medical doctors, other professionals and listeners.
To name a few:
- Jeff Volk, Producer, Lumina Productions, Newmarket, NH, producer of an award-winning series of videos, Of Sound Mind and Body: Music and Vibrational Healing.
- Vladimir Konovalov, Doctor in Psychophysiology, Director of Medical Sciences,
Head of the Laboratory of Mechanisms of Irradiation Effect on the Central Nervous System at the Institute of Biology and Physics, Academy of Science, Russia:
"Mourashkin's Bio-Energetic Psychotropc Music is perceived not only aurally, but through all our senses, since it affects the key lock of the body, the so-called meridians. It touches every cell of the organism. It affects every level of our activity - the molecular and systemic - the being as a whole. The music reminds us of a violent sea in which the person is a tiny particle, like a grain of sand that is subject both to the refining and eroding impact of the water's flow, internally and externally. We can already speak of the music's power to reach into the hidden realms of our immune system, the realms of homeostatis and the body's adaptive mechanism..."
- Dr. Albert Wahrhaftig, professor of anthropology at Sonoma State University, CA
- Beth Rieger, C.S.W. recreation therapist of the Saint Christopher-Ottilie Center of Sea Cliff, NY
- Jacob Trager, D.D.S of the Institute for Dental Wellness, St. Petersburg, FL
- Barbara J. Crowe, RMT-BC, Professor of Music, Director of Music Therapy, Arizona State University. Past President, National Association for Music Therapy: "I have known Mr. Mourashkin and his work in sound healing for three years.
He is an internationally recognized composer, musician, and specialist in the healing and curative power of BEP Music. His talents in this area are unique combining his classical music education with training in traditional healing practices of Siberia.
Mr. Mourashkin has a great deal to offer the developing professional discipline of sound healing in this country... There is a great need for research and applied study in this area. Mr. Mourashkin would provide valuable, unique expertise to such work. I would welcome the opportunity to work with him doing research and investigation into practical application of his Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music.
This would be of great benefit to our country in assisting us in taking World Leadership in the investigation of sound healing methods and the expansion of Music Therapy applications."
- Dr. Phyllis-Terri Gold, Ph. D., NCC, Past Vice-President of the Autism Society of America (NSAC) and Founding President of the New York (LI Chapters). Nationally Board Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor and Psychologist, Former Prof. at Hofstra and C.W. Post College. Mother of boy with autism:"I am presently a member of the newly formed Coalition of Complementary Doctors of the division of Family Medicine at SUNY, Stony Brook. Additionally, I was a founding officer of the Autism Society of America. During my professional career I have worked with many therapists.
I became acquainted with Mr. Mourashkin and the full scope of his work, approximately three years ago, and continue to become increasingly impressed with it, and with him.
Mr. Mourashkin is without doubt extremely and uniquely gifted. In fact, I know no other individual like him. The nature and profound ability of his healing help for humanity serves many.
Autistic individuals, people suffering from cancer and other degenerative diseases, those with other physical and mental problems, have greatly benefited from his healing hands, Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music compositions and great love for humanity."
- Dr. John Beaulieu, PhD, Director BioSonic Enterprises, Ltd. NY:"I supervised the music therapy department at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital and served as a Professor at City University of New York and Farliegh Dickinson University. I have dedicated the past fifteen years to developing and running my own business BioSonic Enterprises, Ltd.
Recently I have accepted an adjunct position the New School for Social Research for the purpose of exposing more people to new advances in Sound Healing.
I find Boris Mourashkin work as a composer and sound healer to be exceptional.
I believe it would be a great honor to America to accept of Boris’s Mourashkin’s talents and abilities. During World II many great European composers came to America.
I believe their music and ideas have changed our culture for the better.
We now have a chance to accept into our country another composer who I believe can make a real difference for many Americans.
Mr. Mourashkin is an excellent presenter and all appreciates his BEP Music.
He is an accomplished professional who in my opinion would make a unique contribution to American society…"
- Dr. Marcia Jenneth Epstein, Ph.D.. Faculty of General Studies, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada: "The connection of music with health and healing is not a recent development. Music is and has been used everywhere to heal, to soothe, and to comfort, to raise submerged emotions, to promote feelings of unity, and to provide communication with the human, natural and spiritual worlds.
There may be music that strikes lightening, vibrating down the bones and percolating the blood, making the cells line up in astonishing circuits and freeing the mind to encounter the world on terms entirely different from anything experienced or imagined before. This is the kind of Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music that Boris Mourashkin creates. Its sound is unique, and recognizes no habitual limitations of time, place, category, style or structure.
And now, when students ask me for recordings to ease their nerves or their heartaches, when a nurse phones from a distant hospital to say that a child in critical care is in need of comfort, when a client has tried everything, I think of Boris Mourashkin's Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music and pass on the news that something extraordinary is out there and waiting to be discovered."
- Saroj Madan, M.S., Enhanced Auditory Retraining Service, Lowell, MA
- Dr. Steven Angel, BA, DC, Director of the Angel Chiropractic Health Center, Lynbrook, NY:"I had the wonderful pleasure of meeting a composer and Bio-Sensory Sound Therapist Boris Mourashkin, who I say changed my life...
I have not met an individual who is more dedicated to the alleviation of suffering that Mr. B. Mourashkin. His contribution to the World is, and will be enormous! It is my professional opinion that Mr. Mourashkin is a creative genius that will be a great benefit for our country!
Many instances in my own clinic took place where I had patients with extreme pain, what is known as tri-facial neuralgia. It is pain coming down the side of the face in three different nerve tracts. My patient listened to Mr. Mourashkin’s Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music for only 15-20 minutes while she was in extreme pain. She finished listening to the music and as she started to get up, she said she had no pain. We examined her and took a look at her the next day; the pain never returned… The BEP Music had taken care of the problem…
The Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music has the ability to help and heal many individuals with disease and ailments. I believe the healing of disease is mostly taking place in the body, and the body will heal itself, particularly when the subconscious mind is cleared.
One of the mechanisms is that the Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music works on the actual vibrations to help remove certain blockages in the emotional as well as mental body, and works particularly on the subconscious, so we may move the vibration imbalances and allow the body to heal itself in a natural way…"
- Helen Thomas-Williams, Director, Public Information and Volunteer Services, Manhattan Psychiatric Center
- Ron B. Minson, M.D., Director, The Center for Inner Change Providing Health and Learning Therapies, Denver, CO
- Dr. Peter Munda, New York Times: "I think he’s (Boris Mourashkin) ahead of his time. I think he’s a genius, a phenomenal musician. He’s the link between science and music. He’s going to be the pioneer in this field connecting music to healing"
- Linda D’Urso:"I have known Boris Mourashkin personally for five years. My experience using his incredible "Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music" as a healing tool has been nothing short of remarkable.
I suffered from Heart and Lime Diseases, and Epstein Barr, when I was introduced to him. Within two months of listening to this music (morning and at bedtime), all of my test results came back normal!
The Psychological breakthroughs you experience after listening to Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music (BEP Music) a few times seems to make your whole consciousness change. You become a different person; a better person and you go onto another level- higher level. You begin to enjoy life more.
Everything is sharper, clearer; you are more sensitive to sound, to people and to feelings. Emotionally you become more sensitive. You become more observant. The difficult times you experienced in life are remembered again through the BEP Music and brought forward and out. When that happens you may still have memories of those pains and traumas, but the pain is no longer associated with those traumas.
I find my life is more worth living now than it was before I met Boris Mourashkin and listened to his BEP Music. There is a tremendous change in me! It is a very valuable change! Unbelievable!!!"
- BEP Music Therapy on the participants indicate the following specific changes: improved blood circulation; relief of pain in joints, muscles, ligaments, etc.; normalization of blood pressure; soothing effect on the nervous and psychic system.
Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music Therapy has helped some clients to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy treatments. In patients suffering from paralysis of lower extremities, BEP Music Therapy showed significant improvement in nerve conductivity.
Boris Mourashkin has been working with autistic and mentally disabled children by desensitizing their ears with this special music, multiply handicapped and emotionally disturbed children, much success improves hearing perception, normalized reactions to environmental and vocal sounds.
The children and adults with hearing disorders and learning problems suffer from depression, decreased mental alertness, balance, and coordination and motor function.
- and many many more...
Cosmic Technologies' comments and experience
Listening to this music by Boris Mourashkin is an incredible experience to say the least. Actually, "Points of Light" we find Boris Mourshkin's best and most powerful composition. It even surpasses his 2-CD set Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music.
At first you will think "what weird kind of music(??) is this?!". It's unbelievable that something like this might be able to "heal"...
Just don't care about this kind of up-beat music, just listen.
Boris Mourashkin's musical compositions are like a tornado, whirling up all emotions, memories, anger and fears. This recording especially is a very "turbulent" one that delivers a highly emotional experience bringing joyful, tearful, freightening and fearful moments.
It brings one in all possible emotional states, one after and through the other.
Points of Light by Boris Mourashkin is extremely up-beat too. Every time we listen to this recording we can't help but "dance" or move. It's really very compelling.
While most other "healing music" tries to sooth or "relax" the body, this Bio-Energetic Psychotropic Music™ works the other way round. It bombards your body, mind and spirit with all kinds of (weird) frequencies, sounds, vibrations, nature sounds and rhythms.
That's why this music by Boris Mourashkin is called "acupuncture with sounds" too as it stimulates every single cell or organ in your body and mind. We really felt compelled to move, to get up and dance and let our emotions flow with the music.
Be in for a very profound catharsis when you listen and keep listening to Points of Light.
Yes, for maximum benefit, you will have to listen to the CD on a daily basis and for quite some time. At first we were reluctant to listen to Points of Light, but after we pushed ourselves through this barrier we even got addicted to the recording.
No day went by before we listened to Points of Light. Over time we found out how the music brought more and more balance and (especially) more energy in our life. This too we found incredible.
This CD by Boris Mourashkin is one that may be labeled "healing music", bringing a most amazing and profound catharsis and metamorphosis if you can familiarize yourself with this music and be patient to see the (remarkable) results.
No doubt that this music is doing something. It's a most emotional and powerful experience for sure. An experience we have not had with any other kind of healing music (except for Sound Body, Sound Mind by Andrew Weil and Marcey Hamm's healing music recordings).
Points of Light is even more powerful than the other CD's Borish Mourashkin created.
After a while this music promotes trust and faith in your own potential and brings energy.
It's absolutely one of the best healing music recordings we came across. Top-rated and highly recommended.
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Important disclaimer
This information is provided for informational purposes only. Healing music is definitely not a substitute for proper medical care. Always consult your own health care provider for information or questions on your health! We make no claims to cure any medical or mental disorders.
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